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Tips for a Successful Recovery After a Blepharoplasty

Drooping eyelids can make otherwise energetic individuals appear older and more tired than they really are. No one wants to go through life giving off the appearance of being haggard and worn out. That is why blepharoplasty, otherwise known as eyelid surgery, is such a popular treatment. If you have made the decision to have this procedure, then there are some steps you will want to take to ensure that the surgery is as successful as possible.

How can I increase the success of my blepharoplasty?

ThinkstockPhotos-180402703-200x300 Tips for a Successful Recovery After a BlepharoplastyBlepharoplasty is successful in making patients appear more energized and youthful by tightening the ligaments and muscles around the eye. After this kind of procedure, you may experience the following symptoms: swelling, bruising, tightening around the eyes, or blurred vision. This is to be expected and will resolve in a few short days.

Especially in the first seven days after your surgery, it is necessary to give your eyes plenty of rest. Reading, staring at a screen (television, computer, etc.), and wearing contacts should be avoided. These activities dry out the eyes and can make recovery more painful and difficult. You may use eyedrops to keep the eyes well lubricated.

When going outside, it is important to wear sunglasses and apply sunscreen around the eyes to protect this sensitive area of skin during the recovery process.

In addition to resting and protecting your eyes after your blepharoplasty, you will want to avoid any movement or activity that could increase blood flow to the eyes. Take care to avoid bending over, lifting heavy objects and playing sports until you have been given approval by your doctor to do so.

When can I get back to normal activity?

Typically, your stitches will be removed one week after your surgery. Depending on your recovery time, it is likely that you will be able to return to normal activity as soon as two weeks after your surgery.

The best way to understand how your blepharoplasty recovery may impact your day-to-day routine is to speak with your doctor. If you have questions and are ready to learn more, do not hesitate to contact Buinewicz Plastic Surgery, serving men and women in Bucks County, PA and Hunterdon County, NJ.

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