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Why Winter is a Great time of Year for Cosmetic Fillers

GettyImages-824645692 Why Winter is a Great time of Year for Cosmetic FillersHave you ever wondered if one season is better than another for having cosmetic work done? If you’re like most people, it has likely never crossed your mind. And while you can have cosmetic procedures performed at any time of the year, believe it or not, winter is a great time for cosmetic fillers.

Consider Winter for Cosmetic Fillers

If you don’t want everybody knowing your business, that’s just one reason winter is a good time for skin rejuvenation procedures. Depending on where you have fillers administered, you can wear hats, scarves or comfy turtlenecks to keep your treatment area covered and private.

Recovery may require a few days of resting and relaxing. During the winter, it’s often easier to stay inside when there’s no lure of outdoor activity beckoning you to come outside. Curling up under a warm, soft blanket when the weather is cold can be a great way to get through a few days of post-procedure recovery.

Cosmetic Fillers for the Holidays

With the winter comes the holidays, and that can be a great time to give or get the gift of skin rejuvenation. Mothers and daughters often go for skin treatments together. It can be a bonding occasion for sisters, cousins, or best friends.

Even if no one gives you the gift of younger looking skin, there’s nothing that says you shouldn’t give yourself a cosmetic filler treat!

Winter Sun is Not as Damaging

Many times after cosmetic filler procedures, doctors advise their patients to stay out of the sun until they’re healed. The sun’s damaging rays in the warmer months are much worse than what the winter sun produces.

Not only is the winter sunlight not as strong, there’s generally less of it, which means fewer UV rays. That’s a much better environment for maximum skin healing.

In the winter, we wear more clothing and more of our skin is covered and protected. We also tend to stay indoors more and are usually not as active, all of which can contribute to a quicker, more successful recovery period.

The Best New Year’s Resolution Ever

Many businesses are slower during the winter months and especially as the holiday season winds down. Taking off the needed time for proper recovery is often much easier to do in the winter.

What a great way to start off the new year, with a refreshed, rejuvenated, younger-looking appearance! By the time spring arrives, you’ll be fully recovered and ready to reveal your new look to everyone.

Some Final Thoughts

It’s certainly possible to have a cosmetic filler procedure done at any time during the year. But there’s something to be said for having it done during the winter months. If you have kids, they’re in school during the day, so you’re able to focus on your own needs and getting plenty of rest while your body heals.

Keep in mind some plastic surgeons let their patients know about the advantages of having work done in the winter, so their schedules may fill up more quickly for those months. If you’re considering having cosmetic filler procedures, plastic surgery or other cosmetic treatments, you may want to get on the books as early as late summer or during the fall.

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