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Summer Mom Bods are Made in Winter

GettyImages-915166118-scaled Summer Mom Bods are Made in WinterIf you wait until the spring to start preparing your summer figure, you might already be too late! The truth is, you need to start working towards your summer body much earlier to make sure that you achieve your goals by the time bikini season rolls around. Unfortunately, it seems that working towards those goals gets harder every year. If you’re a mother who’s looking to shape up, here are a few options you may want to consider for locking in your summer bod this year.


The abdominoplasty procedure, often called a tummy tuck, is one of the most effective procedures for enhancing the figure for summer. With the tummy tuck surgery, excess fat and skin around the stomach is trimmed and tightened to give a firm, smooth appearance. Furthermore, we actually tighten the abdominal muscles. This produces a more toned abdominal region and improves the overall results from treatment.

It’s important to plan for your tummy tuck in the winter because it requires a lengthy recovery period. You can expect several weeks of downtime, during which you’ll be unable to perform any strenuous activities and may want to rest as much as possible. However, you don’t have to worry about any noticeable scarring. The incisions for this procedure are located in the belly button and below the waistline, where they will be well-hidden by any swimwear.

Breast Lift

The other top procedure for achieving a summer body is a breast lift, also called a mastopexy. If you’ve noticed sagging or drooping in the breasts, the breast lift procedure is the ideal treatment for restoring their youthfulness. During treatment, excess skin is removed and tightened to create firmer, perkier breasts. During this process, we can also adjust the position and size of the nipple if you have experienced changes in nipple positioning or appearance due to breast sagging. The results of the breast lift nicely compliment the figure and enhance the overall appearance.

Again, we encourage patients to plan for their breast lift well in advance of the summer months. Although the breast lift recovery period is slightly shorter than that of the tummy tuck, it will still require you to take it easy for a few weeks and minimize your activities. The breast lift incisions will be placed either around the nipples or along the crease underneath the breasts, so any scarring will be virtually unnoticeable.

Which Procedure is Right for Me?

If you’re looking to achieve your summer bod this year, contact us today to schedule your consultation at Buinewicz Plastic Surgery. We’ll discuss your goals and your treatment options in order to determine a treatment path that’s right for you.


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