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3 Steps for Kissable Lips on Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, which means the pressure is on to get the perfect pout for your significant other. You may think you need to have to alter the size and shape of your lips to make sparks fly, but really you just need to care for your lips the way you care for the rest of your skin.

1. Exfoliate Weekly

When we say exfoliate weekly, what we really mean is exfoliate once a week at the very least. You should be exfoliating your lips often, especially if you live in a cold, dry climate. Doing so gets rids of the dead, chapped skin that covers the lips and reveals soft, plush lips lying underneath. You can get a lip exfoliator from any of your favorite skincare brands, or make your own exfoliator at home. All you need is an oil base and some course sugar to help scrub off dead skin cells. Add some vitamin extracts for an extra nourishing boost, and your lips will be smooth and soft in no time.

2. Apply Balm Throughout the Day

This may sound like a no-brainer, but you wouldn’t believe the number of people that never apply a hydrating balm to their lips. Like exfoliating, this step is especially crucial if you live in a cool, dry climate that dries out the skin. We recommend getting a hydrating balm from one of your favorite medical-grade skincare companies. Not only are the ingredients a higher quality, they also avoid harmful ingredients like fragrances, menthol, camphor and salicylic acid that may cause your lips to dry out over time. Also, be aware of using petrolatum or Vaseline on your lips. While it’s designed to seal the area and keep moisture from escaping, it also keeps moisture from getting in. This will ultimately result in a dry, crusty mess.

3. Stay Hydrated

Ever realize the amount of water you drink affects your lips? It’s been proven that when your body starts to dehydrate, your lips are often the first place it will show. They’ll start to shrivel up, get chapped, and all the lines and cracks in your lips will be highly exaggerated. All you have to do to avoid this is to make sure you drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. Get into the habit of drinking a tall glass of water when you wake up in the morning, with every meal, and before you go to bed. Also, try getting trendy! You see celebrities carrying reusable water bottles with them all the time. Express yourself with your favorite patterned water bottle and keep it with you while at work or while running errands.

If you follow all of these steps, we guarantee your lips will be perfect for your significant other on the big day. If you have questions about lip fillers and augmentation, contact us today to schedule your one-on-one consultation today.

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