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Body Lift

Massive loss of weight through either behavior modification or bariatric surgery can produce dramatic weight loss and with that weight loss comes loose skin, soft tissue and even muscle. . A body lift is a fantastic way to tighten and lift saggy skin in any area of the body. Buinewicz Plastic Surgery, located in Doylestown, Pennsylvania, and Flemington, New Jersey and serving the men and women of Hunterdon County, NJ, and Bucks County, PA, conducts body lifts for patients who suffer from excess skin after weight loss. Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Brian R. Buinewicz and his team are proud to help people complete their body transformations after they have worked so hard to lose weight.

What is a Body Lift?

When a person loses a large amount of weight, whether through giving birth, dieting, exercising or bariatric surgery, the loss of fat often leaves loose and sagging skin. A body lift helps a person remove this skin and sculpt their body into its desired shape and proportion. This is done by removing loose skin from places such as the abdomen or thighs, torso or arms.

Body Lift in Bucks County, PA, and Hunterdon County, NJ

Benefits of a Body Lift

  • Clothing will fit better, and you will be thinner.
  • No longer suffer from the chafing and rashes brought on by loose skin.
  • You no longer need to be self-conscious about unsightly rolls or bulges.

When to Consider an Upper Body Lift

  • You’ve recently lost a large amount of weight through natural means or bariatric surgery.
  • Pregnancy has left you with loose and flabby skin.
  • Aging has caused loose skin around your arms, chest or waist.
  • You have “back rolls” or rolls of fat along the sides of your lower back.

Related Procedures to a Body Lift

It is very common for people to choose to have a secondary procedure such as a breast lift or arm lift done at the same time they receive their body lift.

What is the Body Lift Procedure Like?

Just as everyone is different, no two body lift procedures are exactly alike. There are, however, commonalities between surgeries. All body lifts require general anesthesia. Local anesthesia is often used to help control bleeding and lessen ppostoperative pain.  Pain blocks are often performed by the anesthesiologist to also help with postopersative pain control. Preoperatively at our preop visit Dr. Buinewicz will discuss with you in detail the best places to plan incisions to remove excess skin and also minimize and hide the scars.  Before you go to the opersting room, you will be marked by Dr. Buinewicz for placement of the planned incisions.  Excess or sagging skin as well as excess fat skin is removed. The incisions is then closed in layers, using deep sutures, which support the core tissue. Most of the time drains are placed so no blood or fluid collect iunder th operative site which could affect your healing. You can choose to have a body lift as a single procedure or combine it with any of the following procedures.  Dr. Buinewicz will help you decide if it is safe to combine multiple procedures.

  • Upper Body Lift: This procedure targets the upper body. Many people elect to have an upper body lift to fix problem areas in their arms, breasts and/or upper back. The procedure can also be done in tandem with breast augmentation, breast reduction, breast lift a back lift or other cosmetic body contouring Incisions for removal of excess skin are planned to maximize excess skin excision but also to lay in natural skin folds. Incisions and scars can be different depending on the individual.
  • Lower Body Lift: Doctors recommend lower body lifts to patients with excess skin below their waist area. A lower body lift can be performed on the buttocks, thighs, hips or tummy. It is the cosmetic procedure most people opt for after weight loss. Many people combine this procedure with a thigh lift. The lower body can be sculpted using only one larger sized incision. In this instance, an incision is made around the waist and problem areas below the waste are corrected. . Incisions for removal of excess skin are planned to maximize excess skin excision but also to lay in natural skin folds. Incisions and scars can be different depending on the individual.
  • It can take several months for a patient to see the completed results.
  • Posterior Body Lift: This procedure fixes issues in the lower back and torso only andbuttocks.. Many people use this procedure to correct issues with flaps of skin that can be left following a tummy tuck. For this treatment, your doctor will make an incision along the place where the back band line of a pair of underwear and or bra touches your skin. . Incisions for removal of excess skin are planned to maximize excess skin excision but also to lay in natural skin folds. Incisions and scars can be different depending on the individual.
  • As with a lower body lift, it takes about three months to completely recover and see your  
  • Back Lift: Patients that are interested in achieving a more slender upper back and want to improve the contour of their waist, can get a back lift. During this procedure, the skin on the upper back is pulled tight, and excess fat and skin are removed. This incisions are planned under the band of the bra. Drains are usually placed to prevent any blood or fluid collecting and affecting the outcome. Typically, patients return to work after a week or two rest period. It usually takes a month to return to strenous athletic activity. A back lift can result in a slimmer upper back and improved waist contour. Body Lift Recovery

Most patients claim to have a significant improvement following a body lift. Dr. Buinewicz personalizes each procedure with his patients, ensuring that their personal goals and needs are met. This procedure offers the possibility of other advantages as well. Some people find that when the excess skin is removed, their stretch marks improve. The few stretch marks that are left tend to look flatter, and they are harder to see. Most patients are thrilled with their new look and excited to see the fruits of all their hard work and weight loss completed. Dressings are removed 72 hours after surgery, and the patient is allowed to shower. Any drainage tubes that were placed during surgery will remain where they are until all drainage has stopped. This drainage process can take between two and four weeks.

How Is a Lower Body Lift Different from Liposuction?

Liposuction is much less invasive than a body lift; it simply removes pockets of fat. It doesn’t tighten skin, remove saggy skin or smooth out cellulite. A lower body lift does all that and more. Liposuction is great for removing  pockets of fat in problem areas that just aren’t affected by diet and exercise. It is, however, a great procedure to combine with a lower body lift in order to get the exact look you desire.

How Much Does a Body Lift Cost?

To help make the procedure more affordable, Buinewicz Plastic Surgery offers financing to their patients. We also accept cash, checks, and credit cards.

If you live in Hunterdon, County, New Jersey or Bucks County, Pennsylvania, and you are interested in a body lift procedure, make an appointment with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Brian R. Buinewicz and his knowledgeable staff. Located in Doylestown, Pennsylvania, and Flemington, New Jersey, Dr. Buinewicz would love to give you a younger, more sculpted appearance.